Puzzler Videos
Innovation GAMEs
The Puzzler Company specializes in designing and facilitating immersive innovation GAMEs.
Our GAMEs are quite different from anything most participants have experienced previously. Equally focused on product and process, these team-based events empower 1-12 teams to solve a meaningful creative challenge.
The following three videos, showcasing one of our premier programs, provide an idea of how many GAMEs look and feel. Here is a 2-minute popcorn video overview.

GAME Popcorn Video
During this more detailed video, hear from participants and learn about the types of activities that regularly play a role in Puzzler GAMEs.

GAME Overview
Most events end with teams pitching proposals during what we call "The Reveal." Whether concepts are fused together or vie for adoption, competitions add excitement and amplify ambition.

GAME Competition Teaser
How might an innovation GAME help your business or community solve the future while improving as a team? Contact The Puzzler Company to discuss your needs and dreams.
Other GAMEs
During this 2-day innovation GAME, around 100 participants on ten teams reimagined a boring, used bus as a buzz-worthy mobile space that catalyzes creative collaboration. 30 of these participants were with us for an entire week to focus on creativity, facilitation techniques, and GAME design.

Bus Reimagination GAME Recap
In this program, 250 college educators and administrators worked on teams to reimagine undergraduate curricula that emphasizes distinct, 21st century values.

Curriculum GAME
Puzzler keynotes are provocative, high energy, and action oriented. Focused on personal/organizational success, they often involve elements like music and drawing.
During this unconventional keynote, David Cutler combines talk and music to examine the challenge of innovation, four innovation secrets, and how gamification can catalyze extraordinary problem-solving while transforming communities.

The GAME of Innovation (excerpts)
In this quick summary, Patti Dobrowolski shows how a detailed drawing of your current state of affairs and desired future provides a clear road map of how to get there.

Draw your Future (excerpts)
Celebrating Local Heroes
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, we wanted to do something meaningful that honored front line workers during this international pandemic. Celebrating Local Heroes involved vignette videos, 10 public events aboard "The Concert Truck" honoring various professions, and a community conversation. This video introduces our ten amazing heroes.

Celebrating Local Heroes
This mini-documentary details the Celebrating Local Heroes process.

Celebrating Local Heroes Mini-Doc
At an event celebrating NURSES, Michelle Logan-Owens made an impassioned speech about the value and challenges of these front line superheroes. Completely inspired, we turned it into a video of its own.